How the Most Successful Corporate Event Planners Find the Best Production Partners

One thing they do, and four things they require every time.

When successful event planners were asked what they consider to be the most important factor for a successful conference, product launch, or any corporate event, almost all agree that it’s finding the right production partner.

And, what is the one thing they recommend doing first?

Create a list of what you want to accomplish with your event and define what exactly you need help with — whether it’s creative design, strategy, and planning, custom fabrication, audio/video expertise… some or all of these, identifying them first will help you narrow down the list of vendors you need to connect with.

Here are the four essential attributes they look for in a partner:

  1. Availability– When reaching out to prospective vendors, know what you need and when you need it. Make sure they can have the qualified support staff, exhibits and equipment on-location for the dates of your event. If not, move on.

  2. Responsiveness – It’s a frustrating waste of valuable time waiting for a reply. Watching your inbox for an email to come in is like watching paint dry. If you’re left waiting days for a response, that’s often an indication of inefficient processes, and likely what you can expect when working with that vendor in the future.

  3. Experience – Almost any company can be made to appear reputable online. Don’t be fooled by a slick website; ask specific questions about their experience. What type of events have they done in the past? How long have they been in business? Do they own their own inventory? Asking these questions will help you determine whether they are qualified to produce your event.

  4. Creativity – It’s not just having the talent on staff to design an amazing experience for attendees. In this industry, something unexpected is bound to pop up, like a rainstorm at an outdoor event. Creativity and resourcefulness go hand-in-hand, and you need pros who can achieve your vision and put out the fires without missing a step.

Live Event Solutions is a full-service event production company that offers a one-stop shop for corporate event planners. When we say, “We bring the hustle, so you avoid the hassle”, we live by it. So, if you’re looking for a strategic partner who can help you create a memorable event, give us a call. We enjoy sharing ideas and insights without pressuring you; it’s a good way to get to know each other.


Blowing it Out, Without Blowing the Budget